Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the December 2022 issue.
Dinner Party Fodder
Promoting Electric Vehicles Can Pose Environmental Challenges
Identifying a Cost-Effective Energy Strategy
Your Donation Dollars at Work
Newport News Shipbuilding Fires Out Battle-Ready Castings:
Serving one customer and only one—the U.S. Navy—the Virginia-based company is the only U.S. shipyard operating its own captive foundry. Inside the sprawling facility where 110,000-lb. castings have been poured, workers wear a palpable pride for work and mission.
Metalcasting Industry Year in Review:
Modern Casting reviews the major casting supplier news from the last 12 months.
Evaluating the Need and Use of PPE in Foundries:
Although not intended to take the place of specific requirements listed in other standards, the “PPE Guide for Metalcasting Operations” describes and updates the special considerations for the selection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and special clothing for work situations that present a risk of exposure to metalcasting hazards.
Tough Little Foundry Takes on Big Castings:
With hands-on, can-do grit, and forward-thinking ambition, suddenly one small player is practically in a league of its own.
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