
D. Kurkul
March 10, 2022

As the new year progresses, several key business trends are impacting metalcasters’ operations and profitability. This month’s column examines some of those trends.

Bob Silhacek and Michael Wise
March 10, 2022

In the January 2022 edition of Modern Casting, the foundry industry outlook was provided.

Stephanie Salmon
February 9, 2022

In December 2021, the Department of Labor released its Fall 2021 regulatory agenda, which provides the status of and projected dates for all potential regulations listed in three stages: pre-r

Shannon Wetzel
February 9, 2022

As a kid, (when I wasn’t reading) I would often pass the time during long road trips counting down the miles to our destination by watching for the markers along the side of the road.