Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the August 2017 issue.
The Convincing Case Against OSHA's Silica Rule
Washington Alert:
Treasury Department Targets Several Tax Rules for Possible Changes
Novel Solutions:
A Mind for Numbers
Smart Energy:
Continuous Energy Benchmarking for the Metalcasting Industry
Osco Delivers:
AFS Corporate Member Osco Industries has finetuned its business to deliver quality parts with a short lead time by committing to gray iron, adding flexibility through inventory, and conservative revenue management.
Focus on Safety: Hearing Loss Prevention:
The largest single category of contribution to recordable illness in metalcasting facilities is hearing loss, and more can be done to reduce its occurrence.
Cast in Place: Integrating Non-Cast Components into Castings:
3-D printing helped a turbine manufacturer improve the dimensional accuracy of a part while adding flexibility to the tooling for streamlined production.
I Have Inclusions! Determining the Best Cost Saving Approach:
This is the first of a two-part series providing a guideline to better understand the interrelated aspects between oxides, inclusions, dross, fluxes and molten metal quality.
Evaluating Iron Filter Print Designs-30 Years Later:
Minor filter print design changes can significantly affect molten metal flow characteristics.
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