Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the October 2014 issue.
Engineering a Fresh Start:
108-year-old Omaha Steel Castings Company built a brand new facility and changed ownership to enable growth and survival in the decades to come.
Brillion Iron Works' Rejuvenation:
Once bankrupt, Brillion Iron Works is now a lean, profitable iron casting facility, thanks to the "Fix and Grow" strategy of parent company Accuride Corp.
Facility Tour
Plant Engineering Opportunity:
Traditionally cast in green sand, A206 aluminum may be a viable alloy for permanent mold castings.
ROI for the 21st Century:
Put aside traditional financial tools and thinking. A new mindset and toolbox are needed to support today's changed investment priorities.
Prevent Hot Tearing:
Strain rate can predict defects in AZ 91 magnesium alloy castings.
This special section provides easy access to supplier information.
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