Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the April 2024 issue.
Casting of The Year: Pumping Up Performance:
Innovative design engineers teamed up with an Ohio foundry to achieve an award winning pump frame casting for the oil and gas industry.
Harness Product Innovations to Improve the Grinding Department:
Experts from four suppliers talk about the cost and production efficiencies foundries can gain.
Dimensional Tolerance Assessment of Iron Castings Production Using 3D Printed S…:
Results of an AFS-funded research project indicated the 3D printed sand casting process is capable of achieving tighter dimensional tolerances than conventional sand castings
Foundries and the Evolution of Sustainable Manufacturing:
Stakeholder demand for documented sustainability progress will only increase going forward.
Telling Your Foundry's Story
EPA's PM Standard Will Burden Metalcasters
Senior Projects Demonstrate Real-World Readiness
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