Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the June 2017 issue.
There is a Place for You at AFS
Washington Alert:
AFS Provides Regulatory Reduction Comments to EPA
By The Law:
Know the Updates to Patent Law
Smart Energy:
Process Energy Benchmarking for the Metalcasting Industry
Metalcaster of the Year: Danko Arlington Plots Its Future:
Investments in additive manufacturing and CNC machinery, progressive hiring, and community activism and involvement are positioning Danko Arlington for another generation of production.
Assessing the Root Cause of Metalcasting Injuries:
Unsafe acts are seldom the root cause of industrial injuries, and a deeper analysis of potential underlying causes is needed.
The Power of and Need for Research in Metalcasting:
While the industry can do better in some areas, there are opportunities for growth and improvement.
Helping Customers Switch to Casting:
Metalcasters can help their customers identify when a new manufacturing process is in order and whether the casting process should be considered.
3DPS Feature Generation in the YZ and XY Planes:
Three-dimensional sand printing is not exempt from the same limitations as other additive manufacturing methods. The build orientation, properly exported geometry, and part placement is critical to the success of any additive project.
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