Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the July 2023 issue.
Metalcasters' Message to Congress :
Last month, leaders from foundries of various sizes, processes, and specialties, gathered in Washington, D.C. to give their united voice to advocate for the support of important legislation and sensible regulations that will help bolster the metalcasting industry.
Faster, Further, Together :
Learn how an innovative aluminum casting for the food-processing industry got its start.
Welding of Gray and Ductile Iron:
The welding of gray and ductile cast iron is often considered unfeasible. The chemical makeup of steel compared to cast iron is not hugely different in some cases, other than the higher carbon content in the cast iron.
Complementing Not Competing — An Automaker's Mindset About AM And Castings:
Is additive manufacturing (AM) poised to replace castings? At General Motors, that’s not the mindset and won’t be any time soon, according to Ante Lausic, Ph.D, lead process engineer for metal AM
International Industry Convenes At Bright World Of Metals 2023:
After five eventful trade fair days, GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST exceeded expectations: 63,300 visitors from 114 countries traveled to the Bright World of Metals in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Join Our Fight Against Trade Cheats
AFS Members to Participate in OSHA SBREFA Panel on Forthcoming Heat Illness Rulemaking
Birmingham High School Students Meet Metalcasting
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