Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the June 2023 issue.
Metalcaster of the Year: Benton Foundry’s Coremaking Expansion:
Recently, Benton Foundry has completed one of the largest expansions in its history.
The Heat Is On:
Reducing your carbon footprint. It can be a worrisome thought for members of the metalcasting community.
Evaluation of Two New Cast Aluminum Alloys for High Performance Cylinder Heads:
Cast aluminum alloys have been increasingly used in internal combustion engine cylinder head applications because of their light weight and high thermal conductivity.
3D Printed Smart Mold for Sand Casting: Monitoring Binder Curing:
Additive manufacturing is now being used to generate sand molds and cores with complex and customized geometries with binder jetting.
Goal-Focused Planning
U.S. Proposes New Greenhouse Gas Standards for Power Plants
Energy Market Update
Students Benefit at Metalcasting Congress
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