Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the June 2021 issue.
Metalcasting's Recruiting Challenge
Administration Conducting Supply Chain Review
FEF College Students Serving Their Country
Top of the Class:
Metal Technologies Inc. was born with a mindset of valuing people, and success has not blurred the founders’ intent to invest in others. A new college partnership is the latest mile-marker on MTI’s long track record of building into individual lives.
Metalmorphasis: Change and Transition:
This honorary lecture, which was presented at the 2021 Metalcasting Congress, takes a philosophical and metallurgical look at how metalcasters apply and control input variables (time, temperature, pressure, chemical reactions, etc.) to transform metals and spark change.
Transformation of the Modern Foundry:
This honorary lecture presented at the 2021 Metalcasting Congress examines how foundries have been transformed primarily by shifts in the workforce, market pressures brought by global flattening (competition), environmental, health and safety and even by disaster.
Casting for Battle:
An Army-directed research project is exploring the viability of a mobile foundry, where urgently needed replacement parts could be cast quickly.
Effect of Defect Size on Tensile Elongation in Aluminum Castings:
A recent study shows how the decision to accept or reject a product can be based on more than just the tensile bar elongation numbers.
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