Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the September 2021 issue.
The Worker Shortage: What's Working and What's Not
Congress Considers Border Tax Proposal
'Giving’ Coin Pays Off in Student Experience, FEF Payback
Beauty at Your Feet:
Meet the Pacific Northwest company that specializes in delighting the public with aesthetic experiences where they’re least expected. Creators of ornamental drain grates and more, Iron Age Designs has poured a foundation in partnerships cultivated through its AFS membership.
The Value of Scrap, Rework and Yield at Steel Foundries:
A cost estimator tool helps quantify the potential savings from projects that reduce the cost of poor quality and process inefficiencies.
Rebuilding and Reshoring: Proposing a Goal for U.S. Manufacturing Success:
Focusing on importing less could pay higher dividends for the long-term health of U.S. manufacturing than trying to export more, but it will require collaboration along the supply chain and with trade allies.
Choosing the Right Furnace for Your Operation:
Melting furnaces are employed to produce and maintain the requisite molten temperatures over a prolonged period of time, and several factors should be considered when choosing a type of furnace to equip your aluminum plant.
Thin-Walled Ductile Iron With Lost Foam and Nobake Casting:
A proof of concept project for the U.S. Department of Energy indicates the feasibility of casting ductile iron parts with walls as thin as 1 mm.
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