August 2018: Click for the full digital edition of the August 2018 issue.
Editorial :
High-Skill Workers and the Foundry
Washington Alert :
Senate Passes Bill to Increase Funding and Modernize Perkins Act
Safe Practice:
Forgotten Safety Regulations: Forklift Safety
By The Law:
Differences Between Patent and Competition Laws
Marketing Mind:
The Future of Business Sustainability: AFS Additive Conference
In The Community:
AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Company is active in its community by taking part in multiple initiatives and spreading the word about metalcasting.
College Connection:
Saltillo students Host Platteville Counterparts
Incremental Improvements, Lasting Results:
AB&I Foundry emphasizes continuous improvements to its operations to keep costs low and employee retention up.
What Impact Will 3D Metal Printing Have on Investment Casting?:
Some have speculated that 3D printing will have a substantial effect on investment casting. The evidence says otherwise.
State of the U.S. Cupola Industry:
Cupola melting systems in the U.S. produce a majority of iron castings, and advancements in the melting technology has made their use sustainable into the future.
Is Branching Out the Right Move?:
The addition of secondary operations brings challenges and obstacles, but it can also provide multiple benefits.
How Properties Vary Throughout a Casting:
A study set out to show how properties can vary throughout a casting and why that’s OK.
Issue Date