Closing the Generation Gap
Recently, an American Foundry Society (AFS) staff member let teenagers play with molten metal. Well, sort of.
AFS Membership Director Leo Baran, who has a degree in metallurgical engineering, demonstrated basic sand casting techniques to a group of 18 high school students on June 20 using a “Foundry in a Box,” which includes miniature metalcasting equipment. And after showing them how to do it, Baran let the students try it for themselves.
The demonstration was a part of a week-long day camp the Chicago chapter of the American Society for Materials (ASM) International hosts for high school students interested in metallurgy and engineering. This year’s camp was held from June 20-25 at various locations in suburban Chicago.
“The young people that attended are truly interested in material science as a possible career path,” Baran said. “It takes a little dedication to attend the camp.”
Reaching out to such youth is essential for the metalcasting industry, and holding the day camp is a great way to do it. Learn more about the camp on the AMS website.