Seeing Shakeout in Action: Poole’s Cast Iron Balls
This month’s Shakeout column, “Dropping Cast Iron Balls on Your Stuff,” highlights the work of Smith Foundry artist in residence Jim Poole.
As indicated in the article, Poole designed and produced several cast iron balls for the Minnesota State Lottery’s Daily Drop introduction spots. After you’ve seen the explanation and photos in Shakeout, watch the dining room table and aquarium spots with your own eyes on YouTube.
Pretty cool stuff. Also, in case you were wondering, yes, we did say that Jim Poole is an “artist in residence” at Smith Foundry in Minneapolis. According to Poole, the metalcaster allows him access to the facility for his art, to help others with their art and to do projects that advance the business.
“I was in the right place at the right time,” Poole said.
(Note: Look for a letter from Poole describing his situation in the August issue of MODERN CASTING.)