Reaching the Next Generation Metalcaster
In another attempt to reach out to youngsters and spark their interest in metalcasting, AFS recently published a webpage devoted to just that. It is great for casters looking to reach out to their community or participate in school outreach programs. It is also a resource to explain to family and friends exactly what it is you do every day at work.
What’s neat about the page? It brings together multimedia resources designed to inform and excite those new to the industry. Some of the resources include:
- The PBS special Spotlight on Metalcasting: This video was originally created for the Public Broadcast Station (PBS) and provides a rundown of the metalcasting industry from what is it to what products it produces.
- An industry profile portion that includes demographics, production and application information, and metalcasting history.
- A history of Foundry in a Box and information on how to order. This hands-on tool allows interested casters of all ages to dig in and create their own metal casting.
- A reusable Power Point presentation titled Metalcasting: Who We Are.
The wide array of resources that are great for elementary, high school and college students, making it easier to become more involved with new potential casters.