Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the December 2017 issue.
AFS and FEF: Attracting the Next Generation
Washington Alert:
Labor Department Appeals Ruling in Overtime Case, Sets Stage for New Rulemaking
By The Law:
Patent Trolls Exist
Smart Energy:
Radiant Heat Loss: Do You Really Know What It's Costing You?
Novel Solutions:
Anticipatory Organizations Know the Future, and So Can You
Alliant Castings' Pattern of Progress:
The small abrasion resistant iron casting facility keeps focused on its alloy niche while pushing for continuous technological improvements like 3-D printing that optimize and maximize its resources.
Census of World Casting Production: Global Casting Production Growth Stalls:
Worldwide casting production grew by less than half a percent for the second year in a row in 2016.
Trends in World Casting Production:
Sustainability in Metalcasting: The Green Foundry Project:
Five case studies show how metalcasters were able to improve their efficiency by implementing green practices.
Development and Casting of High Cerium Content Aluminum Alloys:
A pilot casting study looked at the promising aluminum-cerium alloy system that exhibits good mechanical properties at high temperatures.
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