Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the January 2018 issue.
Implementation and Yoda
Washington Alert:
Congress Passes Sweeping Tax Bill
2018 Forecast: U.S. Casting Sales to Reach $33 Billion:
The U.S. metalcasting industry is expected to see 4.7% growth from 2017-2018 and 1.8% growth in 2018-2019.
Casting a Spell:
Disney’s theme parks are magic but they don’t run on fairy dust. They run thanks to castings.
Real-Time Monitoring for Silica Exposure Analysis:
Real-time monitoring of silica exposure levels was used in a case study to determine sources of concentrations in the grinding and chipping area of a casting facility.
Applying Fracture Mechanics to the Design of Low-Alloy Steel Castings:
A crawler shoe case study illustrates how designers can use fracture mechanics to avoid over-designing and over-specifying a casting, which will reduce part cost.
Reclamation and Reuse of Shell Ceramics in Investment Casting:
For many investment casters, the disposal of spent ceramic shell is one of their largest sources of waste. Eliminating or significantly reducing this waste would help foundries meet regulations.
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