Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the April 2021 issue.
Past, Present and Future
Permanent Tax Relief for Passthrough Entities Introduced
From Intern to Hired: Rachel Guthrie, Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2018
Are You Maintaining Prices and Margins Relative to Costs?
Foundry-Retail Relationship Works Out:
A Michigan foundry stepped in to solve an urgent reshoring need for store-branded fitness products, creating a new, compact supply chain that quickly met customer demand while supporting a Midwest retailer’s Made in America mission.
Buck Company: Becoming a Foundry for the Future:
Investments in upgraded casting equipment, revamped maintenance, and safety and environment protections, combined with a team approach designed to promote employee engagement and trust have transformed the ferrous and nonferrous jobbing foundry.
A Practical Implementation of Industry 4.0 in Foundries:
A practical case study of how Dotson Iron Castings and Neenah Foundry implemented real-time data collection to visualize and optimize their processes in order to increase their overall equipment efficiency and reduce operating costs.
Cast Magnesium Foam for Energy Absorption and Bone Regrowth :
Low-cost cast magnesium foam could open new markets in biomedical applications as well as transportation systems.
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