Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the April 2020 issue.
Dealing With Disappointment
What Foundries Can Do When There Is a Respirator Shortage
Cal Poly Pomona Shares Casting With Community
COVID-19 Resources for Metalcasters:
AFS has compiled resources for metalcasters facing the COVID-19 crisis.
Foundry 4.0 and the Future:
How foundries operate in the future may look and feel much different than metalcasting operations of today.
Process and Data Automation for the Mid-Sized Foundry:
Industry 4.0 can propel metalcasting facilities, but automation means more than robotics.
Case Studies in Foundry 4.0:
Cutting-edge technology ranging from machine learning to augmented reality is pushing metalcasting into a new phase of innovation.
Upgassing A356 Aluminum to an Intermediate Specific Gravity :
A low pressure aluminum foundry incorporated a rotary degassing system guided by a computer model to make controlled additions of hydrogen into its aluminum 356 alloy.
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