Articles: Industry News

AFS Corporate Members have received a complimentary 2025 Metalcasting Forecast and Trends Report. This economic report, compiled from numerous government and industry sources, is packed with information to help you navigate the dynamic metalcasting landscape. It includes strategic insights with current data that will help drive business intelligence and financial optimization throughout the year. 

The recent edition provides predictions on sales growth, including a projection of 4.2% increase in casting sales in 2025, reaching $50.1 billion.

Bradken’s Specialty Products North America (SPNAM) business has been sold to Los Angeles-based investment firm TerraMar Capital. SPNAM manufactures highly-engineered, large, complex, mission critical castings for customers in defense, specialized industrial, rail and transit markets.

CastExpo, North American’s largest metalcasting exposition, tradeshow, and Congress, is just around the corner on April 12-15 in Atlanta, Georgia. 

AFS Corporate Member Kent Foundry has received local municipal go-ahead for a $10- to $12-million expansion to its Greenville, Michigan, plant. Plans for the project will likely be unveiled in the late first quarter or early second quarter. 
On November 19, the Greenville city voted unanimously to approve establishment of an industrial development district for Kent Foundry.  Kent Foundry, a manufacturer of gray and ductile iron castings is owned by Canadian-based parent company Canerector Inc. of Toronto. 

AFS Corporate Member McWane Ductile of Phillipsburg, New Jersey, was among the winners of OSHA’s 2024 “Beat the Heat” contest. The annual contest highlights strong efforts to help protect workers from heat hazards.

This is the second consecutive year that one of McWane Ductile’s foundries have earned the recognition––in 2023, McWane Ductile Ohio in Coshocton won the award.

Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell visited AFS Corporate Member EJ in Ardmore, Oklahoma, on December 13. In addition to touring the operations, Pinnell discussed infrastructure, workforce, and area housing issues. 

AFS Corporate Member Waupaca Foundry is one of 22 employers statewide recognized as a 2024 Vets Ready Employer by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and its Office of Veteran Employment Services (OVES). The annual award recognizes Wisconsin employers that have gone above and beyond to hire and support veterans and their families.

Approximately 10% of the foundry’s workforce are veterans of the armed services, and several team members have been employed while on active duty with the National Guard. The firm employs 3,500 people nationwide. 

Senior leaders from across the U.S. Army gathered early in December at AFS Corporate Member Rock Island Arsenals Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center for a two-day war game about advanced manufacturing.

The session focused on enhancing and synchronizing efforts so the Army can best leverage technology to achieve its modernization and readiness goals. Advanced manufacturing is viewed as a potential game-changer for how the Army designs, produces, delivers, and sustains materiel capabilities. 

Bradken’s Specialty Products North America (SPNAM) business has been sold to Los Angeles-based investment firm TerraMar Capital. SPNAM manufactures highly-engineered, large, complex, mission critical castings for customers in defense, specialized industrial, rail and transit markets.

The locations in Tacoma Washington, Atchison Kansas, St. Joseph, Missouri, and London, Ontario are included in the acquisition. Due to the divesture from Bradken, they have taken the name Vulcan Metals Corp.

SMG Group announced the acquisition of AFS Corporate Member Hunter Foundry Machinery Corporation, a global maker of matchplate molding machines, mold handling equipment and sand casting technology for the global foundry market.